As we convene in May 2023, honoring Asian Pacific Heritage Month, it is incumbent upon us to reflect upon the notable artistic contributions of revered Fine Art Photographer, Mark Alan Gipson.

We eagerly anticipate his imminent masterwork, the “Stop Asian Hate” Collection – a heartfelt artistic rejoinder to the tragic violence against Asian women—a calamity that pierced our collective consciousness and propelled Mr. Gipson towards a definitive course of action.

Channeling the transformative capabilities of digital AI artistry coupled with the nuanced craftsmanship of fine art photography, Mr. Gipson embarked on an extraordinary global journey. His quest was aimed at encapsulating the essence and humanity of Asian women through an array of evocative portraits, a pursuit designed to uncover their inherent beauty and elegance, whilst simultaneously illuminating the profound dignity they manifest. As an imposing testament to art’s potential to revolutionize perceptions and metamorphose global attitudes, the “Stop Asian Hate Collection 2020-2023” resoundingly amplifies this message.

From 2020 through 2023, the “Stop Asian Hate Collection” evolved into an awe-inspiring gallery, boasting a diverse collection of over 100,000 enchanting images encapsulating the multifaceted richness and indefatigable spirit of Asian women globally. With its limited-edition prints, photobooks, innovative NFTs, and avant-garde, fashion-forward components, the collection has achieved a staggering estimated valuation in excess of one billion USD, thereby establishing its indomitable presence amongst the most influential and highly esteemed art collections ever curated.

In the face of this collection’s breath-taking grandeur, it is crucial to acknowledge the debates surrounding its scale and the unstable nature of NFT valuations. However, such discussions should not overshadow Mr. Gipson’s unyielding intent—to not only celebrate the aesthetic beauty of Asian women but also to underscore their inherent worth and humanity.

In a pioneering initiative, Mr. Gipson joined forces with the brilliant technological trailblazer, Jake Glass, from the bustling city of Austin. Together, they developed a groundbreaking blockchain platform. This avant-garde technology teases with low-resolution images from the collection, whetting our appetites only to reveal the high-resolution counterpart upon the procurement of the print or NFT. This inventive approach testifies to their ingenuity and their commitment to pushing the envelope of artistic expression.

The momentous unveiling of the “Stop Asian Hate Collection by Mark Alan Gipson” at Art Basel Miami was nothing short of a spectacle. The steep decline in Bitcoin prices in early 2022 led cryptocurrency enthusiasts to redirect their digital assets toward the art market, specifically NFTs. This digital paradigm shift triggered a remarkable inflation in the initial release prices of Mr. Gipson’s collection, leaving art connoisseurs and investors alike in a state of wonder and admiration.

Moreover, the “Stop Asian Hate Collection” resonated profoundly with millennials, captivating a diverse range of investors. The collection’s ability to engage both traditional art enthusiasts and collectors, as well as the younger generation, stands as a testament to its universal appeal and enduring relevance.

Esteemed fine art auction houses, collectors, and museums have unanimously acknowledged Mr. Gipson’s unique talent and visionary approach. Comparisons have been drawn between his work and that of renowned artists such as Thomas Ruff, Wolfgang Tillmans, the esteemed Japanese Fine Arts photographer Nobuyoshi Araki, as well as modern masters like Warhol and Man Ray. Critics have lauded the “Stop Asian Hate Collection” for its universal resonance, remarkable visual coherence, and profound artistic authenticity—a testament to Mr. Gipson’s ability to capture beauty and compose narratives that resonate deeply.

Mr. Gipson’s unwavering commitment to effecting tangible change in the world should not go unnoticed. He has pledged to direct 100% of the profits from the “Stop Asian Hate Collection” to the Asian Sex Workers Fund—an essential initiative that provides education, medical care, dental services, and mental health support to Asian sex workers across the globe. This noble gesture serves as a poignant tribute to the lives tragically lost in the March 2021 incident in Atlanta.

Investing in the “Stop Asian Hate Collection” presents a remarkable opportunity to fuse financial prosperity with meaningful social impact. By participating in this collection, you contribute to a movement that promotes peace, respect, and dignity. You become an integral part of the collective effort to challenge stereotypes, dismantle discrimination, and celebrate the rich diversity of Asian women.

Each artwork within the collection encapsulates the enduring beauty and resilience of Asian women. Investing in this groundbreaking collection offers you the chance to honor and support these extraordinary individuals while potentially realizing significant financial returns. Moreover, your investment plays a pivotal role in combating discrimination and fostering respect and understanding across cultures and communities.

The “Stop Asian Hate Collection” is not merely a testament to the transformative power of art; it also represents a remarkable fusion of innovation and progress. By embracing new blockchain technology for NFTs, this collection stands at the forefront of a rapidly evolving digital art market. As an investor, you have the opportunity to shape the future while contributing to a meaningful cause.

Furthermore, it is important to emphasize that all profits from the collection directly support the Asian Sex Workers Fund, reinforcing the collection’s unwavering commitment to social change. By investing in this collection, you actively contribute to vital support services for Asian sex workers worldwide, facilitating tangible and positive change in their lives.

In conclusion, investing in the “Stop Asian Hate Collection” offers a unique opportunity to blend financial prosperity with profound societal impact. Through your investment, you contribute to a movement rooted in peace, respect, and dignity—a movement that aspires to transform societal attitudes and cultivate a more inclusive and compassionate world.

As an investor in the “Stop Asian Hate Collection,” you are not merely acquiring art; you are actively engaging in a vital dialogue about equity, respect, and understanding. Each purchase amplifies the collection’s powerful message, challenging and transforming prejudiced narratives.

The beauty of the collection lies not only in its artistic appeal but also in the stories it conveys. Each artwork serves as a testament to the strength, grace, and resilience of Asian women, inviting viewers to engage empathetically and introspectively.

By owning a piece from the “Stop Asian Hate Collection,” you take a firm stance against hate and bigotry, demonstrating your solidarity with Asian communities worldwide. Your investment transcends mere financial gain, offering profound satisfaction as you align yourself with a cause that promotes peace, respect, and dignity.

In an art world often criticized for its exclusivity and lack of diversity, this collection represents a beacon of change. It challenges conventions, not only through its innovative use of technology but also through its commitment to diverse representation and unwavering dedication to social justice.

The “Stop Asian Hate Collection” also represents a significant advancement in the realm of digital and NFT-based art—a realm that has captured the imaginations of technology enthusiasts, art collectors, and investors alike. Being an early investor in such an impactful NFT collection presents the potential for significant future rewards.

Ultimately, the true value of the “Stop Asian Hate Collection” extends beyond monetary measures. It lies in its potential to touch hearts, broaden perspectives, and foster empathy. It embodies Mr. Gipson’s steadfast belief in the transformative power of art, its ability to heal, educate, and inspire. By investing in this collection, you not only acquire a work of art; you become part of a powerful movement, contributing to the creation of a more understanding and compassionate world.

As the “Stop Asian Hate Collection” continues to captivate global attention and receive widespread acclaim, its influence and impact will undoubtedly expand. Embrace this extraordinary journey, seize the opportunity to merge financial growth with tangible societal influence, and let the “Stop Asian Hate Collection” inspire you and others to cultivate a world where empathy, respect, and love reign supreme—a world where art plays an instrumental role in shaping a brighter future for all.

Transcendent Reverie: Unveiling the Epitome of the Stop Asian Hate Collection by Mark Alan Gipson

Introduction: In an era that hungers for the unification of cultures and the sublime understanding of diverse narratives, Mark Alan Gipson’s magnum opus, the Stop Asian Hate Collection, materializes as an unparalleled testament to the resplendence, resilience, and spirit of Asian femininity across the global tapestry. Embarking on a transcendent voyage spanning three ephemeral cycles, Gipson’s photographic expedition ensnares the viewer within a sensory tapestry of arresting proportions, transporting them to ethereal realms while exalting the very essence and beguiling allure of the feminine form. Through a masterful fusion of artistic prowess, intricate storytelling, and an evocative plea for harmony, Gipson unveils a profound and transformative artistic encounter, etching his mark upon the annals of creative brilliance.

Embodied Rapture: The Stop Asian Hate Collection stands as a vivid and captivating convergence of aesthetic delight, where the artist’s discerning eye captures the ethereal enchantment of Asian goddesses in a series of beguiling fine art nudes. Gipson, like an alchemist of light and shadow, deftly breathes life into these timeless embodiments of feminine grace. Each photograph dances upon the precipice of vulnerability and fortitude, meticulously composed and bathed in celestial luminescence, invoking a mesmeric journey of the senses.

Cosmic Odyssey: Gipson’s transcendent collection beckons the viewer to embark on a visual odyssey that traverses the globe, transcending mere terrestrial confines. With an unerring eye for celestial minutiae, the artist seamlessly intertwines the celestial form with extraordinary landscapes, allowing the beholder to transcend the mundane and embark on a metaphysical pilgrimage. From ancient temples steeped in whispered wisdom to verdant rainforests pulsating with the symphony of nature, every backdrop is a meticulously chosen celestial stage, enabling an exquisite interplay between the divine muse and her celestial milieu. This celestial fusion unfurls a profound appreciation for the kaleidoscope of cultural traditions and geographical grandeur that Asia bestows upon the fortunate observer.

A Harmonious Lament: Beneath the surface of these resplendent visuals, the Stop Asian Hate Collection emanates a harmonious lament that resounds in the depths of the viewer’s soul. In an era tainted by the proliferation of discrimination and prejudice, Gipson’s opus assumes the guise of a universal elegy, its poignant cadence imploring the observer to reflect upon the inherent worth of every sentient being. Within his hallowed lens, Asian goddesses emerge as paragons of fortitude, resilience, and ethereal grace, beckoning society to embrace the celestial beauty that lies within the embrace of diversity.

Investment in Ethereal Splendor: The global fraternity of art connoisseurs has responded to Gipson’s celestial opus with an outpouring of ardent admiration, as collectors from every corner of the world eagerly acquire Limited Edition Fine Art Prints and Limited Edition NFTs. This resounding chorus of accolades speaks volumes about the universal appeal and artistic eminence encapsulated within Gipson’s oeuvre. By becoming custodians of a piece from the Stop Asian Hate Collection, collectors partake in the sublime expression of artistic brilliance while also contributing to the grand narrative of inclusivity and acceptance.

Conclusion: Mark Alan Gipson’s Stop Asian Hate Collection transcends the confines of conventional artistic endeavors, emerging as an embodiment of the timeless power of art to illuminate societal tribulations, foster unity, and exalt the innate magnificence of humanity. Through his celestial lens, Gipson orchestrates a symphony that ensnares the viewer in a transcendental reverie, inviting them to traverse the celestial realm of visual poetry and traverse the multifaceted realms of Asian goddesses and the celestial tapestries they grace. This ethereal collection reverberates as a constant reminder that art possesses an infinite capacity to transcend earthly boundaries, nurturing empathy and igniting transformative change. The Stop Asian Hate Collection stands as an opulent homage to the unwavering spirit of Asian femininity and a celestial clarion call against discrimination, forever inscribing its indelible notes upon the timeless composition of art’s resplendent contribution to a harmonious and enlightened world.

アジア太平洋遺産月間である2023年5月、私たちは尊敬されるファインアート写真家、マーク・アラン・ギプソン氏の素晴らしい芸術的貢献と、彼の待望の傑作、「Stop Asian Hate」コレクションを祝福するためにここに集います。このコレクションは、私たちの心に深く触れ、ギプソン氏を行動に駆り立てた9人のアジア女性の悲劇的な喪失に対する感動的な芸術的な応答として存在しています。

デジタルAI芸術技法とファインアート写真の巧みな技術を組み合わせることによって、ギプソン氏は驚異的な世界的な旅に乗り出し、魅力的なポートレートを通じてアジア女性の本質と人間性を捉えました。彼の意図は、彼らの内在的な美しさと優雅さを明らかにし、彼らが備える深い尊厳を浮き彫りにすることです。「Stop Asian Hateコレクション2020-2023」は、芸術の力が認識を変え、世界の態度を転換する能力を示す強力な証拠です。

3年にわたる間に、「Stop Asian Hateコレクション」は息をのむようなギャラリーへと発展し、世界中のアジア女性の多様性と不屈の精神を反映した10万点を超える魅惑的なイメージを誇っています。限定版プリント、フォトブック、革新的なNFT、先進的なファッション要素を備えたこのコレクションの推定価値は10億ドルを超え、最も重要で尊敬されるアートコレクションの一つとして確固たる存在感を確立しています。



「Stop Asian Hateコレクション by Mark Alan Gipson」の壮大な公開は、Art Basel Miamiでのものでした。2022年初頭のビットコイン価格の急落により、仮想通貨愛好家たちはデジタル資産をアート市場、特にNFTにリダイレクトしました。このデジタルなパラダイムシフトにより、ギプソン氏のコレクションの初回リリース価格が驚異的に高騰し、美術愛好家や投資家たちを驚嘆させました。

さらに、「Stop Asian Hateコレクション」はミレニアル世代と深く共鳴し、幅広い投資家を魅了しています。このコレクションが伝統的なアート愛好家やコレクターだけでなく、若い世代にも訴求力を持っていることは、その普遍的な魅力と持続的な重要性を示しています。

名高いファインアートオークションハウス、コレクター、美術館は、ギプソン氏の独自の才能と先見性あるアプローチを一様に高く評価しています。彼の作品とは、トーマス・ラフやヴォルフガング・ティルマンス、著名な日本のファインアート写真家である荒木経惟、さらにはウォーホルやマン・レイといった現代の巨匠の作品との比較がなされています。批評家たちは「Stop Asian Hateコレクション」をその普遍的な共鳴、驚くべきビジュアルの一貫性、深い芸術的な真正さを称賛し、それはギプソン氏が美を捉え、深く響く物語を作り出す能力を示しています。

また、ギプソン氏の世界における具体的な変革をも認識することも重要です。彼は「Stop Asian Hateコレクション」の利益の100%をアジアの性労働者基金に割り当てることを宣言しました。この基金は、世界中のアジアの性労働者に教育、医療、歯科サービス、精神保健支援を提供する重要な取り組みです。この高潔な行為は、2021年3月のアトランタの事件で悲劇的に亡くなった人々への感動的なオマージュとしての役割を果たしています。

「Stop Asian Hateコレクション」への投資は、財務的な成長と意義ある社会的影響を結びつける素晴らしい機会を提供します。このコレクションに参加することで、平和、尊敬、尊厳を促進する運動に貢献します。あなたは、固定観念を挑み、差別を解体し、アジアの女性の豊かな多様性を祝うための共同の取り組みの一部となります。


「Stop Asian Hateコレクション」は単なる芸術の鑑賞に留まらないことを強調する必要があります。それは平和と偏見を打ち破り、アジアのコミュニティとの連帯を示すためのスタンスを取るものです。あなたの投資は、財務的な利益を超えて、平和、尊敬、尊厳を推進し、実現するためのものです。

多くの批評が独占的で多様性に欠けると批判している芸術界において、「Stop Asian Hateコレクション」は変革の兆しです。それは、技術の革新的な使用だけでなく、多様性の代表と社会正義への忠実な取り組みを通じて、従来の枠組みに挑戦しています。

「Stop Asian Hateコレクション」は、デジタルとNFTベースのアートの領域での重要な進歩を象徴しています。この影響力とインパクトはさらに成長するでしょう。この画期的なNFTコレクションへの早期の投資は、将来的な大きな報酬の可能性をもたらします。

最終的に、「Stop Asian Hateコレクション」の真の価値は金銭的な尺度を超えています。それは心に触れ、視点を広げ、共感を育む可能性があります。それはギプソン氏が信じる芸術の変革的な力と、癒し、教育、鼓舞をもたらす能力を具現化しています。このコレクションへの投資によって、あなたは単に芸術作品を手に入れるだけでなく、強力な運動の一部となり、より理解し共感し合う世界の創造に貢献するのです。

「Stop Asian Hateコレクション」が世界的な注目と広範な称賛を受け続ける中、その影響力と効果は間違いなく拡大していくでしょう。この非凡な旅に身を委ね、財務的な成長と具体的な社会的影響を結びつける機会を掴み、そして「Stop Asian Hateコレクション」があなたと他の人々を鼓舞し、より理解と思いやりのある世界を形成するために芸術が重要な役割を果たす明るい未来を創り出すことを許してください。

In the spirit of Asian Pacific Heritage Month, May 2023, we gather here today to exalt the extraordinary artistic contributions of the revered Fine Art Photographer, Mark Alan Gipson, and his eagerly awaited masterpiece, the “Stop Asian Hate” Collection.

This collection stands as a poignant artistic retort to the grievous loss of nine Asian women—an occurrence that has deeply stirred our emotions and spurred Mr. Gipson into action.

Through the transformative prowess of digital AI artistry and the virtuosic craft of fine art photography, Mr. Gipson embarked on a remarkable global odyssey, capturing the very essence and humanity of Asian women through a series of enthralling portraits. His aim? To unveil their intrinsic allure and elegance, while illuminating their profound dignity. The “Stop Asian Hate Collection 2020-2023” serves as a powerful testament to art’s remarkable capacity to reshape perceptions and recalibrate global dispositions.

Over the span of three years, the “Stop Asian Hate Collection” has burgeoned into a breathtaking gallery, boasting an excess of 100,000 enchanting images that showcase the extraordinary diversity and indomitable spirit of Asian women across the expanse of our planet. With its limited-edition prints, photobooks, cutting-edge NFTs, and innovative avant-garde elements, this collection has attained an astonishing estimated value that surpasses the coveted one billion USD milestone, solidifying its rightful place among the most substantial and esteemed assemblages of art ever curated.

It is imperative to acknowledge that, amid the awe-inspiring grandeur of this collection, certain controversies have arisen pertaining to its magnitude and the mercurial nature of NFT valuations. However, let us not be beguiled by the cacophony of dissent, but rather direct our focus to Mr. Gipson’s unwavering intentions—to champion not only the aesthetic splendor of Asian women but also to underscore their irrefutable worth and inherent humanity.

In a truly groundbreaking maneuver, Mr. Gipson forged an alliance with the brilliant luminary of technological innovation, Jake Glass, whose origins hail from the vibrant city of Austin. Together, they endeavored to develop an avant-garde blockchain platform—a technological marvel that introduces low-resolution images from the collection, alluring our senses, only to unveil the high-resolution counterparts upon the acquisition of the print or NFT. This ingenious endeavor stands as a testament to their inventiveness and resolute commitment to pushing the boundaries of artistic expression.

The grand unveiling of the “Stop Asian Hate Collection by Mark Alan Gipson” at Art Basel Miami was nothing short of extraordinary. The precipitous decline in Bitcoin prices in the early months of 2022 diverted the attention of cryptocurrency enthusiasts toward the art market, particularly NFTs. This digital paradigm shift resulted in an astonishing surge in the initial release prices of Mr. Gipson’s collection, leaving art enthusiasts and investors awestruck and filled with admiration.

Furthermore, the “Stop Asian Hate Collection” has resonated deeply with millennials, captivating a diverse array of investors. Its ability to engage both traditional art aficionados and collectors, as well as the younger generation, stands as a testament to its universal appeal and enduring relevance.

Esteemed establishments of fine art auctions, collectors, and museums have wholeheartedly acknowledged Mr. Gipson’s unparalleled talent and visionary approach. Comparisons have been drawn between his opus and the works of revered artists such as Thomas Ruff, Wolfgang Tillmans, the esteemed Japanese Fine Arts photographer Nobuyoshi Araki, as well as modern masters like Warhol and Man Ray. Critics have hailed the “Stop Asian Hate Collection” for its universal resonance, remarkable visual coherence, and profound artistic authenticity—a testament to Mr. Gipson’s ability to encapsulate beauty and compose narratives that strike a deep chord within our souls.

Let us also pay homage to Mr. Gipson’s unwavering dedication to making a tangible difference in the world. He has pledged to allocate 100% of the proceeds from the “Stop Asian Hate Collection” to the Asian Sex Workers Fund—an indispensable initiative that provides education, medical care, dental services, and mental health support to Asian sex workers across the globe. This noble gesture stands as a poignant tribute to the lives tragically lost in the March 2021 Atlanta incident.

Investing in the “Stop Asian Hate Collection” presents an unparalleled opportunity to merge financial growth with a profound social impact. By partaking in this collection, you contribute to a movement that promotes peace, respect, and dignity. You become an integral part of the collective effort to challenge stereotypes, dismantle discrimination, and celebrate the rich tapestry of Asian women’s diversity.

Each artwork within the collection encapsulates the enduring beauty and resilience of Asian women. Investing in this groundbreaking collection offers you the chance to honor and support these exceptional individuals while potentially reaping significant financial returns. Moreover, your investment plays a pivotal role in combating discrimination and fostering respect and understanding across cultures and communities.

The “Stop Asian Hate Collection” is not merely a testament to the transformative potency of art; it also represents a remarkable fusion of innovation and progress. By embracing cutting-edge blockchain technology for NFTs, this collection stands at the vanguard of a rapidly evolving digital art market. As an investor, you wield the power to shape the future while contributing to a cause that holds profound significance.

Furthermore, it is crucial to underscore that all profits derived from the collection directly bolster the Asian Sex Workers Fund, reinforcing the collection’s unwavering commitment to effecting social change. By investing in this collection, you actively contribute to vital support services for Asian sex workers worldwide, catalyzing tangible and positive transformations in their lives.

In conclusion, investing in the “Stop Asian Hate Collection” proffers a rare opportunity to meld financial prosperity with an indelible societal impact. Through your investment, you become an active participant in a movement rooted in peace, respect, and dignity—a movement that seeks to reshape societal attitudes and cultivate a more inclusive and compassionate world.

As an investor in the “Stop Asian Hate Collection,” you do not merely acquire art; you engage in a pivotal dialogue about equity, respect, and understanding. Each acquisition amplifies the collection’s resounding message, challenging and transforming prejudiced narratives.

The allure of the collection resides not solely in its artistic magnetism but also in the tales it weaves. Each artwork serves as a testament to the fortitude, elegance, and resilience of Asian women, inviting viewers to embark on a journey of empathy and introspection.

By claiming a piece from the “Stop Asian Hate Collection,” you take an unwavering stance against hate and bigotry, thereby demonstrating your unwavering solidarity with Asian communities worldwide. Your investment transcends the realm of financial gain, affording profound gratification as you align yourself with a cause that champions peace, respect, and dignity.

In a realm often criticized for its exclusivity and dearth of diversity, this collection serves as a beacon of change. It dares to challenge conventions, not only through its innovative utilization of technology but also through its unwavering commitment to diverse representation and social justice.

The “Stop Asian Hate Collection” also represents a significant advancement in the realm of digital and NFT-based art—a realm that has seized the imagination of technology enthusiasts, art connoisseurs, and investors alike. As an early investor in this impactful NFT collection, you stand to reap substantial future rewards.

Ultimately, the true value of the “Stop Asian Hate Collection” transcends monetary metrics. Its worth lies in its capacity to touch hearts, broaden perspectives, and foster empathy. It embodies Mr. Gipson’s unshakable faith in the transformative power of art, its ability to mend, enlighten, and inspire. By investing in this collection, you do not merely acquire a work of art; you become an integral part of a resolute movement, contributing to the creation of a more compassionate and understanding world.

As the “Stop Asian Hate Collection” continues to captivate global attention and garner widespread acclaim, its influence and impact will undoubtedly burgeon. Embrace this extraordinary odyssey, seize the opportunity to combine financial growth with tangible societal influence, and allow the “Stop Asian Hate Collection” to ignite your spirit and that of others, propelling us toward a world where empathy, respect, and love reign supreme—a world where art plays an instrumental role in shaping a luminous future for all.


The Modern Arts Museum is proud to present the Stop Asian Hate Collection by digital AI artist and fine art photographer Mark Alan Gipson.

This collection features over 100,000 images of Asian women from around the world and includes limited edition prints, photo books, NFTs, and even fashion items. The collection as a whole is valued at over a Billion USD, making it one of the largest and most expensive art collections ever released.

In response to the senseless killing of 9 Asian female sex industry workers, Gipson felt compelled to pick up his camera and use art to change perceptions and attitudes towards Asian women. The Stop Asian Hate Collection is controversial for some due to the size and speculative nature of NFT valuations, but Gipson’s intention is to celebrate not just the beauty of the women featured, but also to promote their dignity and respect as humans.

Gipson has partnered with Austin-based programmer Jake Glass to develop a new blockchain platform to showcase low resolution images from the collection. This platform allows potential buyers to view the full high-resolution images only after purchasing the print or NFT.

The Stop Asian Hate Collection has already pre-sold approximately 20% when it debuted at ART BASEL MIAMI. With the increasing demand worldwide, the prices for pieces initially released are up as much as 20% – 30%, making it a better investment than the stock market this year. This collection is particularly popular with younger millennial and older investors, and traditional art investors and collectors are beginning to take notice.

Critics have compared Gipson’s work to that of renowned artists Thomas Ruff, Wolfgang Tillmans, Nobuyoshi Araki, Warhol, and Man Ray. The collection’s universal appeal is evident in its individual images, which reflect Gipson’s passion and eye for beauty and composition. The visual cohesiveness of the collection as a whole is not seen in the art world in decades.

100% of profits from the Stop Asian Hate Collection go directly to the Asian Sex Workers Fund. This fund helps to support the educational, medical, dental, and mental health of Asian sex workers around the world, in honor of the lives that were lost in the senseless violence against Asian sex workers in Atlanta in March 2021.

The Modern Arts Museum is honored to feature this powerful and moving collection by Mark Alan Gipson. Visitors will be able to view a selection of prints and NFTs from the Stop Asian Hate Collection, and learn about the artist’s vision and mission. This exhibit is not to be missed.

The Modern Arts Museum is proud to feature the Stop Asian Hate Collection by Mark Alan Gipson, a digital AI artist and fine art photographer.

The collection is a response to the tragic killing of 9 Asian female sex industry workers, and showcases the humanity and beauty of Asian women around the world. Gipson’s intention with this collection is to not only celebrate their beauty, but to promote the dignity and respect they deserve as humans.

The Stop Asian Hate Collection has grown over the past 36 months to include over 100,000 images, featuring limited edition prints, photo books, NFTs, and even fashion. This has given the collection a conservative value of over a billion USD, making it one of the largest and most expensive art collections ever released. While some have deemed it controversial due to the size and speculative nature of NFT valuations, it has garnered attention from both younger and older investors who are seeking a better return than the stock markets can produce this year.

Gipson has partnered with genius Austin-based programmer Jake Glass to develop a new blockchain platform that showcases low resolution images from the collection, only displaying the full high resolution images when the print or NFT is purchased. This innovative use of technology makes the Stop Asian Hate Collection the first NFT to utilize blockchain technology.

The collection has received critical acclaim from “traditional” fine art auction houses, art collectors, and museums. Gipson’s talent and vision as a fine art photographer and digital artist have been compared to the works of Thomas Ruff, Wolfgang Tillmans, Nobuyoshi Araki, Warhol, and Man Ray by art critics. The collection has a universal appeal, with individual images that reflect Gipson’s passion and eye for beauty and composition, resulting in genuine artistic merit and visual cohesiveness.

The Modern Arts Museum is honored to feature this important collection and encourage traditional art investors and collectors to embrace the Stop Asian Hate Collection. 100% of profits from the collection will go directly to the ASIAN SEX WORKERS FUND to support the educational, medical, dental, and mental health of Asian sex workers around the world.

The Stop Asian Hate Collection by Mark Alan Gipson is now available at the Modern Arts Museum and online at

Don’t miss this opportunity to own a piece of this historic and meaningful collection.

Modern Arts Museum is proud to present the Stop Asian Hate Collection, an extraordinary display of digital fine art photography created by Mark Alan Gipson.

This collection of over 100,000 images showcases Asian women from around the world and illustrates the power of art in changing perceptions and attitudes towards Asian women. The collection includes limited edition prints, photo books, NFTs, and fashion pieces, making it one of the most valuable art collections ever released, with a conservative value of over a billion USD.

In the wake of the killing of nine Asian female sex industry workers, Gipson decided to take action and create the Stop Asian Hate Collection. His intention was not only to celebrate the beauty of Asian women but also to promote the dignity and respect they deserve as humans. Gipson’s images, which capture the essence of his subjects, have been compared to the works of Thomas Ruff, Wolfgang Tillmans, Nobuyoshi Araki, Warhol, and Man Ray.

The Stop Asian Hate Collection is groundbreaking in its utilization of blockchain technology to showcase low-resolution images from the collection, with high-resolution images available only after the purchase of a print or NFT. This technology has attracted investors, and the collection has already pre-sold approximately 20% or potentially about $100,000,000 in revenue when it debuted at ART BASEL MIAMI. As demand for the collection continues to increase worldwide, prices for initial pieces released have increased by as much as 20% – 30%, making it a better investment than the stock markets this year.

The collection’s popularity extends to younger millennial and older investors, with traditional fine art auction houses, art collectors, and museums recognizing Gipson’s talent and vision. Critics have praised the collection’s universal appeal, with individual images reflecting the artist’s passion and eye for beauty and composition in a way that brings genuine artistic merit and visual cohesiveness to the collection as a whole, not seen in the art world in decades.

The Stop Asian Hate Collection is not without controversy, with some questioning the speculative nature of NFT valuations. However, the artist’s stated intention and 100% profit donation to the Asian Sex Workers Fund, which supports the educational, medical, dental, and mental health of Asian Sex Workers worldwide, honor the lives lost in the senseless violence against Asian Sex Workers in Atlanta in March 2021.

The Modern Arts Museum is honored to showcase this thought-provoking and visually stunning collection, which underscores the power of art in promoting social change. Don’t miss the opportunity to see the Stop Asian Hate Collection by Mark Alan Gipson at our museum.

The Modern Arts Museum is proud to present the Stop Asian Hate Collection by Mark Alan Gipson, a digital AI artist and fine art photographer who felt compelled to take action in the aftermath of the tragic killing of 9 Asian female sex industry workers.

Gipson embarked on a mission to showcase the humanity and beauty of Asian women around the world through his Stop Asian Hate Collection 2020-2023, which features over 100,000 images with limited edition prints, photo books, NFT, and even fashion.

The collection, which has a conservative value of over a billion USD, has sparked controversy among some due to the size and speculative nature of NFT valuations. However, Gipson’s stated intention is to celebrate the dignity and respect that Asian women deserve as humans, and his collection serves as a powerful visual testament to the transformative power of art in changing perceptions and attitudes towards marginalized communities.

The Stop Asian Hate Collection by Mark Alan Gipson is a universal work of art that has attracted the attention of younger millennial and older investors alike. The artist’s vision and talent have been compared to those of Thomas Ruff, Wolfgang Tillmans, Japanese Fine Arts photographer Nobuyoshi Araki, and modern masters Warhol and Man Ray, all of whom have been referenced by art critics who have praised the collection’s visual cohesiveness and genuine artistic merit.

Moreover, the Stop Asian Hate Collection is the first NFT to utilize new blockchain technology developed by Austin-based programmer Jake Glass. The collection has already pre-sold approximately 20% when it debuted at ART BASEL MIAMI, and the prices for pieces initially released are up as much as 20%-30% as demand for the collection continues to increase worldwide. The collection’s success in the art market is a testament to Gipson’s passion and eye for beauty and composition.

The Stop Asian Hate Collection by Mark Alan Gipson is not only a masterpiece of art, but also a force for social change. 100% of profits from the collection go directly to the ASIAN SEX WORKERS FUND, which supports the educational, medical, dental, and mental health needs of Asian sex workers around the world. This charitable initiative is a tribute to the lives that were lost in the senseless violence against Asian sex workers in Atlanta in March 2021.

We at the Modern Arts Museum are honored to feature the Stop Asian Hate Collection by Mark Alan Gipson and celebrate its powerful impact on the world of art and social justice.